Saturday, December 31, 2011

How Fast Should I Lose Weight

Over the past couple of months, I have been increasingly active on the "Forums" at The forums cover every fitness and sports related topic imaginable, but as you can surmise, with an overall bodybuilding focus, the subject often comes back to the topic of leanness, and losing weight. Conditioning, after all, is usually the difference maker in bodybuilding competitions.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Working Out While Sick Part 2

Part 2

In part 1 of this post,  I focused on my overriding theory of preventing illness and heading off the onset of sickness with intense exercise. Now, let's see how it played out for me over the past week as I dealt with my first real head cold in the past 6 years.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Working Out While Sick Part 1

Part 1

This week I struggled with a question that I'm sure plagues any of us who are dedicated athletes. Do I work out when I'm sick? And, if I do, how hard do I go? If I don't, how do I I know when I'm well enough to start again?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The No White Diet

I'm currently providing dietary advice for a client who is preparing for a figure competition. She's in good shape already, has striking features, and possesses an effervescent personality that is sure to translate into great stage presence. In other words, I know she's going to do well if we can whittle away those last few stubborn pounds.